Things to keep in mind when you go grocery shopping during pandemic

During the coronavirus pandemic, one has to be careful while going grocery shopping as you might bring home the virus through an unknown source


The coronavirus pandemic has surely taught all of us lessons of hygiene. The virus is airborne and people who come in contact with an infected person can be at risk of contracting the virus themselves. While we can stay at home and remain safe from being infected, but there are a number of times one can have to step out for some important work. One of the most important work is to buy groceries as it is important to stock up if they need to stay at home. Here are a few things that you need to keep in mind while you go grocery shopping.

1. Avoid weekend shopping – Weekend is a time when most of the people are free from their regular work and step out to get groceries. But you can fish out time during the weekday as it will not be crowded and the chances of infecting yourself will be reduced. Since it will be least crowded, you will be able to remain safe from contracting the virus.

2. Wear a mask responsibly – It is a great idea to wear a double mask for extra protection. Make sure that you don’t remove your mask or lower it for anything. Touching your mask repeatedly will put your health at risk. Make sure it is fitted properly above the nose.

3. Wash hands – When you return home, make sure that you don’t touch any surface and wash your hands thoroughly with soap. It is also advisable to change your closes and disinfect them. Dry the clothes in the sun.

4. Wash the vegetables – Keep the grocery bags outside the house for a while when you return from the store. Make sure that you wash the vegetables in warm water and also sanitize the sealed packets.

5. Sanitize your belongings – Make sure that you sanitize your belongings like keys, mobile phone, wallet and other stuff that you have carried with you.

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