4 Easy ways to deal with hair split ends without cutting them off

Hair Split ends can be repaired without any hassle at the comfort of your home

split ends

Long hair is something that a number of people are fond of. But a number of people also dread for the fact that it needs a lot of care and attention. Moreover, having long hair also means to deal with split ends which are hard to get rid of. The only solution to repair is to chop them off. But thankfully there are ways that can help to deal with these unwanted and unpleasant looking split ends at the comfort of your home.

1. Papaya hair mask – The papaya fruit is not just good for the health, but is also a great medicine for the hair. You just need to mash a cup of ripe papaya fruit and add a teaspoon of curd and a teaspoon of almond oil. Miss well and apply it to the hair from root to tips. Let it rest for nearly two hours and rinse off with room temperature water.

2. Coconut milk – This is a staple for the South Asian cuisines but also works as a great nourishment for the hair. It contains plenty of vitamin E that helps to reduce the frizz in the hair. You can buy it from the store or just blend out a cup of it at home. Make sure that you apply the first squeeze of the coconut milk to the hair from root to tips and wash off after a couple of hours. It leaves the hair smooth, split ends free and hydrated.

3. Onion juice – You just need to grind a couple of medium sized onions and extract the juice of it. Apply the juice directly to the scalp and leave it on for an hour before rinsing it off with a milk shampoo.

4. Mayo – Mayo has eggs as well as oil which works great for the hair. Mix two teaspoons of mayo with one spoon of Aloe vera gel and apply it to the length of the hair. Leave it for a couple of hours and rinse off with luke warm water and a gentle shampoo.

Photo Credits: Pixabay