Things to keep in mind to feel positive and radiant

A few practices could help a normal person to remain positive and radiant despite their drawbacks


It is natural for humans to look and feel good in the eyes of other people. A number of people are stressed to be size zero or the ones who are size zero long to put on weight to look great. They do this just to please others and often get disappointed over the reaction of others when they are mocked. But people who ignore these things and be themselves have a different perceptive in mind. There are indeed ways to feeling confident and positive in no matter what kind of body or skin you are in.

1. Limit your social media use – People who indulge more in social media are often driven by their thoughts. They have a perception of others in their mind and consider their thoughts as more important. Here the game is different. Make your own rules and limit your time on the social media.

2. Do not compare yourself with others – It has been noticed that when people compare themselves with other models it can cause a different temperament or a negative perception. You need to practice self-love and value the body that you have.

3. Notice your talents – If you are conscious about your looks, you are way beyond that. You can sit down and write a list of accomplishments and abilities. This will help you to value yourself and view yourself.

4. Explore what you and your body can do – Many times we do not even realize that our body is able to do certain things. If you develop interest in a certain thing, it becomes easy to achieve.

5. Practice affirmation – Everyone knows what motivates them the most. You can stand in front of the mirror and repeat those affirmations.

6. Practice gratitude – Apart from the things that you don’t have, you also need to be thankful for everything that you already possess. It could be your abilities, luxuries, friends or even your family.

Photo Credits: Pixabay