Governor Of Kunduz Afghanistan Muhammad Omar Killed In Bombing


Updated Trends: Governor Of Kunduz Afghanistan Muhammad Omar, Killed In Bombing

In an another act of terrorism, the governor of Kunduz Province in Afghanistan, Muhammad Omar, has been killed in an alleged bombing. Mr. Muhammad Omar was killed along with 14 others who were with him, as they were present at a Mosque for Friday prayers in the Takhar province. Provincial security chief Shah Jahan Noori has stated that Mr. Omar had been killed in the bombing.

muhammad omar

For the moment it is not known whether there was a suicide bomber involved or the bomb was planted to kill Mr. Omar. The situation in the Takhar province is very grim, as a political leader has been assassinated. Its very shocking to hear that the terrorist are now aiming officials in Afghanistan.

No organisation has taken the claim of the assassination. On the other hand, it was reported that five men have been killed by the NATO forces, when they had tried to shoot down their helicopter.