Rutgers Suicide – Invasion Of Privacy Norms To Get Tougher After Clementi’s Suicide


Updated Trends: Rutgers Suicide – Invasion Of Privacy Norms To Get Tougher After Clementi’s Suicide

In recent developments,within the context of the Rutgers University Suicide, the State Sen. Shirley Turner has stated that the norms and penalties related to one’s Invasion of Privacy will be getting tougher, after witnessing the suicide of Tyler Clementi. Tyler’s sexual privacy with another boy were secretly recorded and broadcast on the Internet, as a result of which he committed suicide.


Reports state that two of his friends, one of them his room mate, are charged of making sex tapes of Tyler Clementi. Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei are facing counts of invasion of privacy and recording the sexual acts and broadcasting them on the internet.

Dharun and Molly today could face a maximum of a five year sentence and a fine of $15000. The Senate has stated that the new upcoming law will be stricter than the current one, in which, the convicted person can spend at least 10 years in imprisonment or $150000, and may be both in worst cases.