Signs of heat stroke and what should be done in emergency

Heart stroke can lead to serious issues of they are not recognized and must be treated as a medical emergency

heat stroke

As the heat increases, the temperatures are heading towards extreme level this week and excessive heat is in effect for the entire area. Along with the discomfort, high temperature can also make people vulnerable for heat-related illnesses which can pose a serious threat especially to the very young and the elderly. Though the heat-related illnesses like heat stroke are preventable, it can be tough to know when you or someone around you is experiencing one or more.

There are also signs to watch out for and quick actions can take you to stay safe. Apart from sun burns and heat rashes, one should lookout for signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke and both the conditions can be dangerous if ignored. The Centres for Disease Control (CDC) has mentioned that signs of heat exhaustion include cold, pale and clammy skin, heavy sweating, a fast, weak pulse, nausea or vomiting, muscle cramps, weakness or tiredness, dizziness, headache, or fainting. If any of such symptoms are there then the CDC has suggested that the person should be moved to a cool place, and his/her clothes should be loosened while making the person sip water continuously.

The body can be cooled down with the help of cold cloths or by taking a cold bath. If the person stars vomiting or if the symptoms last for more than an hour then immediate medical attention must be sought. If someone becomes confused, if they stop sweating, if skin turns red and hot those are the signs of Heat Stroke and you must immediately call 911. The CDC has recommended that the person should be moved to a cooler place and their body temperature must be brought down with cool cloths but do not give them anything to drink.

Heat stroke has to be considered as a medical emergency. There are also some factors that can increase the risk of heat-related illness. Those include prescription drug dose, obesity, alcohol use, poor circulation, heart disease, alcohol use, heart disease or mental illness.

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