5 Foods that provide good bone health

The body needs calcium as well as vitamin D for a good bone health

Bone health

Apart from the overall health of the body, it is also important to take care of the bone health. Bone health if ignored can lead to some of the bone related problems like arthritis, osteoporosis, bone fractures and other such problems. Deteriorating bone health can be a result of an unhealthy diet, unbalanced diet and no exercise. Apart from adequate exercise, here are a few foods that can help you to improve your bone health.

1. Spinach – Spinach has the ability to provide for 25% of the everyday requirement of calcium. The green vegetable is also rich in fibre, vitamin A and iron. Spinach is good for improving bone health and also helps to keep the condition of anaemia at bay.

2. Eggs – The yolk part of the egg is rich in providing Vitamin D which is good for the bones as it helps in absorbing Calcium. Eggs contain 6% of the vitamin D that is required for the body on an everyday basis. The Vitamin D in the eggs gets easily absorbed in the body.

3. Fish – Fishes like the salmon, tuna or sardines are great that can be included in the diet and is great for bone health. They are rich in Vitamin D and three ounces of fish can fulfill 100% of the everyday requirement of the vitamin. Vitamin D is a great source that helps in absorbing calcium.

4. Dairy products – All the dairy products are rich in calcium. Cheese, yoghurt, milk, butter and clarified butter are great sources of calcium and can be included in the diet. They provide protection against some of the conditions like arthritis and fractures.

5. Orange juice – Orange juice does not contain vitamin D or calcium. But the juice contains ascorbic acid that helps in quick absorption of calcium that is provided from other food items.

A glass of milk on an empty stomach can be a great way to begin your day as helps the body to absorb calcium.

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