Ex-US President Bush – Not At War Against Islam, But Against Terrorism


Updated Trends: Ex-US President Bush – Not At War Against Islam, But Against Terrorism

America’s Ex-President, George Bush had stated during his term, that he is not in war against Islam, but against terrorism. These statements were made by the ex-president during the time when terrorism was at its toll and the United States had just witnessed the 9/11 terror. Bush was clear on his motives, that he wanted to eradicate terrorism and not Islam.

George Bush

George W Bush

But during those days, some of the Americans did turn on the Muslim population within America, and during this  time many non-Muslims too had to suffer. In one incident a Sikh man, who owned a gas station in Mesa, Arizona,was killed when a person wanted to shoot a Lebanese clerk at the station.

It has been nine years now, that 9/11 has taken place, but some extremist Americans have looked back into time and have been enraged recently. The greatest example is the Koran Burning ceremony which was postponed in Florida, but took place by a man on the 9/11 site, and also at a private religious place in Nashville. So what we can see here that the whole concept of the war has been changed and today we see it as a war against Islam.