George R R Martin: Game Of Thrones Story On Targaryens Coming Soon


Game of Thrones author George R R Martin isn’t yet done with all the gore and glory in Westeros just yet. He will be writing a storyline on one of the most fiercest families in the land and all of the free world – the Targaryens.

Talking about the upcoming writing project that he will be working on, and promising to release it in 2017, George R R Martin said –

‘The Sons Of The Dragon’ is the title. Those of you who enjoyed ‘The Princess And The Queen’ in DANGEROUS WOMEN and ‘The Rogue Prince’ in ROGUES will probably like this one too. It’s water from the same well. A history rather than a traditional narrative. A lot of telling, only a little showing. (The opposite of what I do in my novels).

But if you’re fascinated by the politics of Westeros, as many of my readers seem to be, you should enjoy it. As the title suggests, ‘The Sons Of The Dragon’ chronicles the reigns of the second and third Targaryen kings, Aenys I and Maegor the Cruel, along with their mothers, wives, sisters, children, friends, enemies, and rivals. If you’re read something to that effect on the web, good, that much is right.

Jon & Daenerys of House Targaryen

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‘The Sons Of The Dragon’ will be an epic story within ‘The Book Of Swords’. Uh, but George R R Martin, we are waiting for ‘The Winds Of Winter’ first – when is that coming out, though?! With ‘The Sons Of The Dragon’, we are waiting to hear about the bloodline that ultimately leads to Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen. This one is surely going to be a bloody story, since what we know of The Sons Of The Dragon, that they were a terrible lot who mercilessly butchered their enemies.

HBO’s Game Of Thrones Season 7 will be releasing in June 2017.