The Best Easter Brunch Recipes


    Tangy Honey Glazed Ham

    This recipe is excellent for brunch because the ham trimmings and bones can later be used to make soup. The meal involves glazing of ham with pineapple juice and honey and takes approximately three hours to prepare.


    • A ten-pound bone-in ham that is well cooked

    • A quarter teaspoon of ground cloves

    • A 1/3 cup of honey

    • A quarter cup of packed dark brown sugar

    • Two tablespoons of Dijon mustard

    • A 1/3 cup of pineapple juice

    • A 1/3 of a large orange that is zested and juiced


    Place your ham in a roasting pan and simultaneously preheat your oven to 165 degrees Celsius. Put your ground cloves, Dijon mustard, honey, orange juice, pineapple juice, orange zest, and brown sugar in a saucepan and boil the mixture. Then, reduce the heat and simmer your cooked mixture for five to ten minutes.

    Proceed to bake your ham in your uncovered oven for two hours. Remove the ham from the oven and brush with glaze then bake for 30 to 45 minutes. While you do the additional baking, you should brush your ham with glaze every ten minutes. Your brunch is now ready for serving.