Saying these 9 Phrases is a Bold Incisive NO

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    Imagine a scenario where you’ve just got your first formal job or promoted to the next rung of hierarchy ladder. You may even have a finesse of working experience. Using specific phrases can lead to off-the-cuff statements, making you sound like a greenhorn or make your workmates question your capability, competence, and professionalism. Your position in your workplace can be damned and confidence doomed.

    These 9 Phrases can make you sound less experienced than you are:

    1. ‘I don’t know’

    No one has replies lined up every moment. But replying “I don’t know”, plus a clueless face, makes you appear as if you don’t deserve the job.

    According to Sara McCord, a muse writer, you can instead say, something you know; for examples,”Well, I can tell you that the report went to the printer on Friday”, “That’s exactly the question I’m looking for”, or propose asking somebody who knows.

    2. ‘I have to ask my boss’

    Regardless of your career level, you may be required to run errands for your superior. The C-suite also has the final say. Don’t make your workmates think you can’t make an ultimate decision.

    Say “That’s it—I’ll bring up this discussion to several employees and see their opinions.” Hereby, you show team spirit, not a lowly junior.

    3. ‘Is that OK?’

    Avoid this phrase. You seem like someone at crossroads, unable to decide whether your suggestion is worthy or worthless.

    Better say “Inform me by Monday if I should do it.”

    4. ‘I am the [insert junior-level job title here]’

    If your job title isn’t glamorous, a normal thing, don’t announce, especially to higher ranking prospective customers or partners.

    Rephrase your correspondence honestly but showing experience. Example: Substitute “I’m a junior editorial assistant at DotWriter” with “I work in editorial at DotWriter”.

    5. ‘Very,’ ‘insanely,’ ‘extremely’

    These adverbs are redundant, clutter emails, and are circumlocutory. Instead, be direct and factual. Example: Replace “I’m very impatient to see the project commence, but I’m very committed this week–let’s try next week when our schedule allows” with “I’m impatient to commence, but currently committed elsewhere. Perhaps we try next?”

    6. ‘Hi, I’m [insert first name here]’

    In informal meetings, first name basis is allowed. In formal meetings you may sound out of place, so avoid it and introduce yourself fully instead.

    Say the full name, and your mission there: “I’m Julie Walter, from the editorial department.”

    7. ‘I’ and ‘me’

    These words are synonymous with low class. Avoiding them reasserts your power and confidence.

    Replace “I want to arrange a meeting between you and me” with “Could we please meet?”

    8. ‘I’m available at whatever time is convenient for you’

    What if a meeting is set at 5.45 a.m., on a Wednesday morning? Not professional.

    Instead, propose weekdays within business hours but show flexibility.

    9. ‘I hope to hear from you soon’

    Emails ended with ‘hoping’ and ‘praying’ make you sound desperate for a reply.

    Replace such endings with confident phrases such as ‘I look forward to…”