Find out all about the different types of Wine


Wine is an alcoholic beverage made from fermented grape juice. It is one of the most complex, most delicious and most varied drinks in the world. It is simple because it is needed in small quantity and wine is complex because it can be produced in many different kinds.

Types of wine

White wine

White Wine

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RIESLING (Rees-ling)

This wine can be paired with food like chicken, pork dishes and fish. Mosel and Rhine German grape that make this wine grow in all the wine districts. They are much lighter compared to chardonnay wines.

GEWÜRZTRAMINER (Gah-vurtz-tra-meener)

It is a very romantic wine. It is ideal to be paired with grilled sausages, pork and Asian food. It is best known in USA West Coast, Germany, Alsace and Ney York.

CHARDONNAY (Shar-doe-nay)

Back in 1990s it was the most popular white grape. Chardonnay can be made still or sparkling. It is best paired with chicken dishes and fish. It originated from Burgundy in France.

SAUVIGNON BLANC (So-vee-nyon Blah)

The wine is good paired with salads, seafood’s and poultry. It is produced in New Zealand and Australia. It originated in Bordeaux district in France; it is also extensively grown in upper Loire Valley

Red wines


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SYRAH (Sah-ra or Shi-raz)

It is good paired with meat like beef, stew, steak or wild game. It excels in California, France’s Rhone Valley and Australia.

MERLOT (Mer-lo)

It has been an introducing wine to those people who are new to red wine because of its softness. It is good paired to any type of food. It produced in Bordeaux and it is currently grown in Australia and US West Coast.

CABERNET SAUVIGNON (ka-ber-nay so-vee-nyon)

It is taken to be one of the world best varieties. It is more often blended with merlot and cabernet franc. Cabernet sauvignon usually undergoes oak treatment. Best red meat that is simply prepared.

Here are The top fiveWorld most expensive wines:

1. Chauteau Cheval 1947 , cost $304,374

2. 1907 Heidsieck , cost $275,000

3. Chaeteau Lafite 1869, cost $233,972

4. 1787 Chateau Lafite , cost $ 160,000

5. 1945 Romanee Conti,cost $123,900