4 Symptoms of heart attack you must be aware of


    Typically heart attacks begin with a classic pattern. There are many signs and symptoms for a heart attack. However, you need to know that not every item needs to be on the list of symptoms. Here are a few signs you must be aware and be careful about.

    1. Pressure on chest – Feeling pressure on the chest is one of the most common symptom and if such a symptom arises, then it is advisable to be careful and consult a doctor immediately.
    2. Pain in chest – Chest pain can be steady in a heart attack. It does not increase or decrease and can come suddenly without a warning. It is said that often heart attack patients report that the chest pain during a heart attack is the worst they ever felt. Some people also tend to ignore the symptoms.
    3. Pain in jaw, neck or arm – Apart from the chest even the arms, neck and jaw can develop some pain. The pain can also be felt at the back particularly in the shoulder blades.
    4. Breathing difficulty – Trouble in breathing means suffocation which usually happens due to the fluid in the lungs.
    5. Sweating – Sweating is one of the signs of stress and heart attack causes stress on the heart and indicates the brain and leads to fight or flight stress response.

    Photo Credits: osowebstudio