Couple Murdered as Part Of An Honour Killing In India


UK Today News: Couple Murdered as Part Of An Honour Killing In India

A couple named, Asha Saini and Yogesh Kumar, were deeply in love with each other, and had plans to get married. However, Saini’s parents were not happy with their thoughts of getting married, as Yogesh was a taxi driver and over that he was a lower caste. Even though the family had objected her to meet Yogesh, both of them used to meet each quitely. After which it came to the family’s knowledge, and Saini’s father and uncle killed both of them.

Honor Killings

Her Uncle spoke to the reporters saying, that we killed them because we were against their relationship.Her uncle spoke boldly to reporters outside the police station. The couple are just one of the five couples who have been killed in India in past week in the month of June. These gruesome steps are knowns as honor killings in the society. But such incidents take place only because of relationships issues in the Indian society.

According to some of the neighbours, the sound of scream coming from Saini’s house was very loud as they were beating the girl and the boy with thick sticks, until her head opened up. The police have arrested the father of the girl Suraj Kumar Saini and the Uncle Prakash Saini, who are charged with dual murder.