Julian Assange Voted TIME Person Of The Year Online


    Updated Trends: The founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange,  who is in jail after publishing some 250,000 US embassy cables on his website, has been officially named as the TIME Person Of The Year 2010, after he wont he most number of real time votes on TIME’s website.

    julian assange time person of the year

    Out of a total of 1,249,425 votes, the readers voted Assange some 382,020 times and the person behind him in the second place was Recep Tayyip Ergodan, Prime Minister of Turkey, who received 148,383 votes in total. The Editorial Person of The Year will be revealed on Wednesday, but Assange has indeed become a people’s favourite around the world.

    Today, Assange has been imprisoned in London and most probably could be extradited to Sweden, where he is wanted for sex crimes. Julian and his website came into the light when they published a video which showed two Reuters employers being fired by the US military. Later in the month of July, Wikileaks published some 92,000 documents in context to the Iraq war logs.

    Source: CBSNews