Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin Seen With A Black Eye, Rumors Spark On The Web


Updated Trends: Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin Seen With A Black Eye, Rumors Spark On The Web

The Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin was seen with a black eye during his recent visit to Ukraine, as a result of which there are loads of rumors that have sparked the web regarding this. The Russian Prime Minister was seen wearing a lot of make up to cover his black patch on his left eye, for which there are questions rising everywhere, as how did the Russian PM receive a black patch on his eye?
Vladimir Putin Black Eye

It was during a meeting with the Ukraine’s top politicians, where it was noticed that the PM had black patch on his eye. Rumors state that the PM could have got hurt during a Judo match, as he himself is a black belt. Others recommend that he has been over working these days, and these are just signs of his fatigue.

On the other hand, other Russian politicians are really angry with the Russian and Ukraine media, as they are raising only one question, as why did the PM get a black eye. It is really sad that the main stream media concentrates on topics as such rather than working on his visit to the foreign nation.