5 Kinds of compliments men would also like to hear

Men also deserve to hear some compliments just like women


There are hundreds of articles on how to make women feel special and how to make them feel appreciated by complimenting them. But many forget about the fact that even men’s emotions need to be handled the right way. Not much is talked about it, but even men need to be praised and deserved to be recognized for the efforts that they put in. Here we will be discussing about a few ways you can compliment men and make them feel special in every possible way.

1. Compliment them to show you believe in them – The biggest compliment for a man comes from their partner, who shows they support and believe in them no matter what the circumstances are. Express that you believe in them and give them the confidence that whatever they do they would be able to achieve it.

2. Appearance related compliments – There are men who deal with insecurities about how they look and feel about their physical appearance. If women are being showered with compliments for their looks, then do not leave the opportunity to compliment them when they are all dressed up or just on a casual day.

3. Acknowledge their efforts – Efforts put in by men are hardly noticed or are grabbed by others. Make sure that you are acknowledging their efforts and encourage to continue their efforts in to the things that they want to achieve.

4. Compliments that show respect towards him – Research has shown that men tend to put in extra efforts when they feel respected. You can just say that you are proud of him or convey that he is a good man.

5. Compliments that show you trust him and his abilities – Let him know that you trust the way they are and it does not matter what the world says about them. Express that no matter what you are always by their side.

Men also need some attention and compliments to keep them going and encouraged.

Photo Credits: Pixabay