Snacks that can help to reduce extra lockdown weight

While many people have put on extra weight during lockdown, a few snacks can also help to shed them quickly


It was in the month of March, when most of the countries across the globe had implemented a complete lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. While most of the people were forced to stay indoors as a safety measure, a number of them put on some extra kilos as they could not find adequate ways to workout at home. Now that things are slowly getting back to normal, people can step out and find different ways to workout with precautions. Those who are on their way to shed some extra kilos, here are a few snacks that they can indulge in.

1. Chickpeas – Chickpeas are stuffed with protein and fibre. It not just provides nutrition, but the fibre content keeps a check on weight and also aids weight loss. It makes you feel full for a longer span and also keeps the blood sugar levels in check.

2. Nuts – Nuts are again highly nutritious and also depends on how you are eating them. It is recommended to have roasted nuts instead of the fried ones. These contain a lot of fibre, vitamins, protein, healthy fats and anti-oxidants which also keep a check on ageing process.

3. Dark chocolate – This one is for those who love chocolates. Dark chocolate is actually healthy but should be eaten in moderation as it is high on sugar content as well. It contains flavonoids and monosaturated fats that can help to reduce the appetite and ultimately helps to reduce weight.

4. Chia seeds – Chia seeds are also known as basil seeds that have a lot of fibre and antioxidants and helps in reducing inflammation. It is also good for the heart health and is a popular ingredient for those who are indulging in keto diet.

5. Hard-boiled eggs – Eggs are packed with protein and one of the healthiest snack which makes you feel full for a longer time. However, consume them moderately as they are also high in cholesterol.

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