5 Yoga Asanas that benefit your brain

Yoga Asanas are beneficial not just for the body but also benefits brain health


Yoga and its health benefits have been spoken about since ages. The beauty of the practice is that it not just help the body of the practitioner, but also helps to improve mental health. Everyday activities often lead us to stress, fatigue and irritability, which leads to improper functioning of the brain. Yoga is a proven technique to deal with such issues successfully. Here are a few exercises or Asanas, which can be practiced to have a happy and stress free mind.

1. Sarvangasana – It is similar to a shoulder stand and the practitioner has to gently lift both the legs in the air from a sleeping position and hold it for as long as they can. This improves the blood circulation to the brain and helps to improve the cognitive function.

2. Tadasana – Tadasana is also known as the mountain pose and is done with a standing posture. It helps the mind to focus on breathing and helps those who deal with issues like insomnia and headaches. While in the standing position, the arms have to be by the sides and fingers need to point towards the ground.

3. Paschimotadasana – This exercise or asana is performed as if you are seated in a forward bend. Such a posture helps the improve the nervous system and improves the blood supply to the brain. It also helps to calm the mind.

4. Halasana – Halasana is also known as the plow pose and helps to improve blood circulation in the brain and also improves vitality. While in a sleeping position, the practitioner has to lift both the legs in the air and take them back to touch the floor.

5. Padmasana – Padmasana is also known as the Lotus pose which helps to relief muscular tension in the body. It is a very relaxing pose and the brain also relaxes and rejuvenates itself.

Yoga has to be done and performed at a peaceful place with a relaxed mind. At the end of your Yoga session, make sure that you relax, preferably in a sleeping position with deep breaths for about ten minutes before you get back to your daily routine.

Photo Credits: Pixabay