Pope Benedict XVI Visits Britain, Abuse Survivors Call For New Amendments In Church, Not Apologies


Updated Trends: Pope Benedict XVI Visits Britain, Abuse Survivors Call For New Amendments In Church, Not Apologies

Pope Benedict XVI, is on visit to Britain, and the sexual abuse survivors have stated that they need new amendments in the church, rather than asking for apologies. The Pope is visiting Britain amidst great stress in the society over the sexual scandals within the Roman Catholic Church.

pope benedict xvi

The aggression was let loose when the abused who were sexually harassed by the nuns and priest, and some who were beaten up by the clergymen, are asking that the secret files should be opened to the police, which contain the sexual abuse cases. It was thought that the Pope will be talking to the abuse survivors privately or publicly, but nothing as such has happened.

In a press conference where five sexually abused survivors and a lawyer stated that they have no knowledge that the Pope has spoken to any of the survivors or victims. The abusers state, that they want the Pope to say that he will be handing over the names of all the abusing priests from all over the world to the authorities of their respective countries.