Few Tiger Clusters Remaining Will Be The Last Chance Of Studying The Species


Updated Trends: Few Tiger Clusters Remaining Will Be The Last Chance Of Studying The Species

According to the wildlife experts, they state, that the few remaining Tiger clusters in Asia will be last chance to study the species. The estimated population has come down to 3500 Tigers in the wild, which just 7% of the total original widespread of the creature in Asia. According to the latest study, it is seen that there are some 42 sites around Asia which are conserved to protect the species.
tiger conservation

The total cost of conserving the species in the wild will be costing around $35 million every year, something that looks really expensive to help save this beautiful creature. Some prominent experts in the Tiger field have stated that, the species is facing the last stand to stay in the wild.

It is estimated that out of the remaining 3500 Tigers in the wild, some 1000 are females. The main problem in the wild today, is the growing need for Tiger body parts for medicine, skin, and poachers. The main motive for conservationist will be to protect the animal from these issues.