Green Tea Makers Warned By FDA USA Over Unsubstantiated Nutritional Claims


Updated Trends: Green Tea Makers Warned By FDA USA Over Unsubstantiated Nutritional Claims

The Food and Drug Administration of USA have warned Green Tea makers Canada Dry and Lipton for making unsubstantial nutritional claims over their Green Tea beverages. Latest letters were sent to Dr. Pepper Snapple and Unilever that they should bring changes on their food labeling.

canada dry green tea

The FDA warned Dr. Pepper Snapple that the Canada Dry Green Tea Ginger Ale is been enhanced with anti oxidants. And it also said that after the beverage was averred, it was known that it is carbonated drink and hence it is classified as a snack food.

As per the FDA, Canada Dry’s Green Tea beverage does not qualify with having nutrients that have antioxidant activity, rather it has anti oxidants from of 200 mg from Green Tea and Vitamin C. But then these letters to the companies by the FDA is not bound legally but if wanted the FDA can pull these companies into court.