Michael Douglas Reveals His Throat Cancer Has Reached Stage 4


Updated Trends: Michael Douglas Reveals His Throat Cancer Has Reached Stage 4

Michael Douglas revealed that his throat cancer has reached an advanced stage 4. He was recently on the David Letterman show and he was speaking to him context about his grieve illness. He told Letterman that he was very optimistic about his disease and that he will fight against it with all that he can.
michael douglas throat cancer

Mr. Letterman asked him whether stage 4 was ok, and he replied, no. The stage 4 of cancer is a stage where the cancer has spread beyond the original tumor and may become impossible to be cured, and that of course didn’t sound good.

Mr. Douglas said that anyone if knows he has cancer would wish it will be on stage 1, but then everything is not small. Yes there is an 80% chance for Douglas, that he can recover out of this. He stated that with good hospitals and the right treatment he can improve steadily.

Douglas told Letterman that he will be undergoing surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. One of the main causes for his cancer is his smoking and drinking, and he accepted that.