Satish Gupta Confesses To Killing His Wife Priyanka


Updated Trends: Satish Gupta Confesses To Killing His Wife Priyanka

Infosys Human Resource Manager, Satish Gupta has confessed that he had killed his wife Priyanka Gupta, on Tuesday morning . He confessed his crime after the police rounded him up under suspicion, then later there was mobile phone evidence which directly pointed out to him being the culprit.
Satish Gupta and Wife

It has not yet been disclosed whats the real reason he killed his wife, but once Satish found that he was cornered by the police, he added that his school friend and jogging partner, Kishan, too was in the crime. He fell into the trap after the police had investigated the calls which he received and sent from his mobile.

According to Gupta, Priyanka called him early in the morning, a call of a 40 second duration, and then there were two calls by his friend Kishan. When he called Kishan, he asked him join him on jogging, the second call came again from Kishan saying he didn’t want to join that day, so he went and picked him up from his residence. During the jog Satish received a call from his wife, where he said that she told him there were two people on the door asking for the news paper delivery, he told her not to let them enter.

The twist came when the police probed into the towers, which indicated that the phone which he states that he received during jogging, should have come from a different tower, but rather it came from the tower near his house, which means he was near by or may be he never left his house. After all these facts and findings were placed in front of Satish he was shocked and quickly admitted his crime.