Handy tips on aceing an interview and impress people everytime

Photo Credits: http://www.careerealism.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/job-interview-great-tips.jpg

It is no secret that jobs are hard to come by and the job market has become highly competitive. So, how do you ensure that you are one step ahead of the interviewer and ace that interview? Here is how to ace an interview and impress people everytime:

Prepare thoroughly

be prepared

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Interviews are similar to exams since both need thorough preparation. The only way you will be able to impress your interviewers is by being thoroughly prepared for any situation. While interviews are similar to studying for exams, keep in mind that here preparation covers facts about you.

Dress to impress

Dress for an interview

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As a job seeker, you only have one chance to make a great first impression, so make it count. Though many people know that first impressions matter a lot, most interviewees get too relaxed when it comes to appearance. When dressing for an interview, keep in mind that interviewers know that appearances tell a lot about a person.

Establish rapport

Build Rapport

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Most interviewers begin with a certain amount of casual talk. If your interviewers take this route, what you need are great ideas on how to maintain conversations with people you have just met. Now, here is a chance to establish rapport with the interviewers and win their hearts. While establishing rapport is critical, do not lose sight of why you attended the interview. Keep in mind you are there for business.

Be yourself


Be yourselfBeing authentic is a critical aspect of acing an interview. People can see through a person who is trying too hard to impress and they know you are not being authentic. And no one wants to hire a fake, so just be yourself.

Keep your responses short and positive

Interview responses

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Job seekers often make the mistake of talking too much during the interview. Unfortunately, rambling is a huge turn off for interviewers. If you have several explanations as to why you did something, select the best explanation and answer the question without appearing to over-qualify your response. To avoid turning off the interviewer, ensure your responses to questions are limited to a minute or less. If your responses are longer than that, just know you are holding the interviewer hostage and he/she is not impressed with your monologue.