5 Quick And Healthy Meal Ideas To Prepare And Carry To Work


Tofu Fry

Image Source: ytimg.com

The tofu fry contains broccoli that is stir-fried and is then steeped in a sweet and savory sauce for flavoring. Both tofu and broccoli have loads of nutrients and can be served with brown rice for a fulfilling, healthy diet.


One package of drained and cubed firm tofu

1/3 cup of orange juice

three tablespoons of sesame seeds

A half tablespoon of sesame oil

A half head of chopped broccoli florets

Three tablespoons of low-sodium soy sauce

One tablespoon of agave nectar


Whisk together your sesame oil, agave nectar, soy sauce, and orange juice and place the mixture in a small bowl. Saute your broccoli and tofu in a pan as you gradually add the whisked mixture. Continue with the process until the broccoli has softened and remove from the pan. Sprinkle some sesame seeds over the broccoli and tofu mixture as desired.