5 natural ways to keep your home mosquito free


Quit using chemical options with these natural ways to keep your home mosquito free.

Apart from being food for lizards and other such creatures, mosquitoes are largely a disease causing menace. They are linked to some fatal diseases like Dengue, Malaria, elephantiasis and chikunguniya. Mosquito related diseases are usually ruled out as tropical region problems, however, they do affect alot of other countries as well.


What are the non-natural mosquito repellent options?

There are alot of chemical options you can use like mosquito repellent creams, sprays etc, but most of these come with the risk of causing allergies or skin infections.

Hence, here are a few ways by which you can make your home mosquito free in a natural way.

1. Apply eucalyptus and lemon oil – A mixture of eucalyptus and lemon is effective for repelling mosquitoes in a natural way. Eucalyptus has anti-septic as well as insect repellent properties.

2. Apply Garlic – Garlic smells bad and this is the reason mosquitos stay away from it. The spice has a strong and pungent odour and even prevents the mosquitoes from entering the house.

3. Plant trees in and around your home – It is a myth that planting trees leads to breeding of mosquitoes. One has to plant the right kind of shrubs and trees that can help to keep your home mosquito free. Plants like Basil, lemon, neem and mint plants are effective to keep the mosquitoes away.

4. Lavender flowers – The fragrance of lavender is strong for the mosquitoes and makes them unable to bite. Lavender oil can be used as a natural room freshener and can also be applied on the skin. It can even be mixed with a regular cream for best results.

Photo Credits: nosmosquito