5 Best foods for homemade face masks


    UpdatedTrends.com: The cosmetics market is filled with a huge number of options when it comes to face masks. The biggest problem with store-bought masks are the ingredients and even the most expensive one might not be good for your skin. On the other hand, homemade masks are always the best option, as they are natural and skin-friendly, no matter how sensitive your skin is. Here are 5 best foods for homemade face masks.

    foods for skin

    1. Apple sauce: A lot of people probably do not know this, but apple sauce can be a great ingredient for a face mask. Apples are known for improving the elastin and collagen levels in your skin.

    2. Strawberries: This amazing fruit contains salicylic acid, which helps in dealing with acne problems. Mash a few strawberries and apply them to your skin, leave the mixture for several minutes and rinse with water.

    3. Coconut milk: Coconut is not just good for the hair, but the milk extract is also beneficial for your skin, as it makes it soft and radiant.

    4. Egg yolks: This might sound messy, but an egg yolk can be added to the face mask mixture as it enhances skin turnover.

    5. Sugar: Sugar can be used to exfoliate the skin and it is better than any other expensive scrubs on the market.

    Photo Credits: Shadi beauty tips