5 Ways to look beautiful after long flight


    UpdatedTrends.com: Traveling can definitely be tiring at times and it is difficult to look fresh and keep your skin glowing after many hours on the plane. However, the good news is that there are 5 easy ways to look beautiful and rested even after a long flight.


    1. Hydration: Make sure to drink plenty of water or coconut water, whichever is available to you. Drinks which contain plenty of vitamin C can also be preferred, but you need to avoid coffee and sodas. By drinking plenty of water you will be able to help your skin in combating the dry plane air.

    2. Ample rest: Your skin needs rest, apart from hydration. Remember to bring along your comfort things, like pillow, socks and a warm blanket in order to feel better and more comfortable during a flight.

    3. Exfoliation: Before going on a trip, make sure that you exfoliate your skin. Exfoliated skin can absorb face cream more easily.

    4. Healthy snacks: The most tempting part of the flight are unhealthy snacks served on board. Make sure you opt for healthy choices such as blueberries, nuts and dry fruits, which can provide you with some additional energy and will make you feel less tired.

    5. A little bit of makeup: Your skin usually gets dry and dull during a flight, but make sure to add a little bit of a highlighter on the highest points of the cheek bones and under the eyes, which will instantly brighten up your complexion.

    Photo Credits: MSN