5 ways to prevent infections from food


Updated Trends: Apart from unhygienic public doors and lifts, infection can also be spread through food. Contamination through harmful bacteria can cause illness and sometimes even death. One should make sure to take some preventive measure in order to escape from the infections that spread rapidly through food. Here are a few ways to avoid food-borne infection.


1. Wash hands – Before cooking or after cooking, wash your hands thoroughly with a good antibacterial soap. Even while cooking and after washing vegetables/meat, wash your hands before you proceed to the next procedure.

2. Cooking temperature – The food should be cooked at an appropriate temperature so that the heat kills all the harmful bacteria, if any. The temperature of the food can be checked by inserting a thermometer when it is being cooked.

3. Refrigeration of food – The left over food should be refrigerated immediately. If left outside then the bacteria starts building immediately even at room temperature, not forgetting dust and germs.

4. Frozen food – After the frozen food is thawed, it should be cooked fully and should not be refrigerated again.

5. Check expiry dates – While purchasing frozen food, make sure that you check the expiry dates of the package. If the frozen food is expired then it must be thrown out immediately.