Happy people less likely to die early?


Updated Trends: A new study, conducted by the researchers in University College of London, has explained the importance of being happy. The research said that the people who have a positive outlook towards life tend to live longer.


The study has also suggested that a positive well being is also a good remedy for ill health and stress. The study was conducted in the course of five years in which 4,000 people between the age 52 to 79 were studied.

It was found that people with higher level of contentment are 35 percent less likely to die early. Andrew Steptoe, ,the lead researcher had said that the present findings had provided further reason to target the positive well being of the older people.

The study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and also supports the health benefits of having a ‘glass half full’ approach to life. Steptoe had said that the happiness could be an other aspect of the life of the people which is essential for the health too. Citing an example, Steptoe said that happiness is quite strongly connected to good social relationships and may be things like these could account for link between happiness and health. The study had also said that the people with the highest levels of happiness were 33 percent less likely to die before their actual time.