Simple tests can detect heart problems early


Updated Trends: In some good news for people who are worried about heart problems, scientists have said that heart problems can now be detected early in life with the help of a non-invasive test. A study was published in Lancet, which had studied 20,000 new born babies.


The scientists have discovered a small examination which is designed to measure some levels of oxygen in the blood. The level of oxygen could help in detecting the congenital heart defects in addition to the regular procedures that are already in use.

The regular procedures include Cardiac CT or an ultra scan that is usually used during pregnancy. Amy Thompson, a senior cardiac nurse for the British Heart Foundation had said that not all the new born babies could show signs and there are also possibilities that the problems might go unnoticed.

It was found that nearly one in every 145 births are affected with such similar problems due to which the need for such a research for early detection was essential. If it is the case then such a discovery would be a boon to the patients, who later regret that they were not diagnosed with heart problems. For this it is also important to spread awareness among the people to get the problems detected early.