After The New Zealand Mine Incident The Country Observes A Day Of Mourning


Updated Trends: After The New Zealand Mine Incident The Country Observes A Day Of Mourning

Two days after it has been known that all the 29 miners trapped inside the New Zealand mine have died, the country is officially observing a day of national mourning. Along with this the government has now begun a new phase of investigations as of how did the such an incident take place. New Prime Minister, John Key himself has stated that this something very bad that has happened in their country and especially to families of the miners.

new zealand mine

He said “The government is absolutely committed to running a commission of inquiry that will leave no stone unturned to ensure that they get the answers to why the miners don’t come home,” The PM also gave a donation of $500000 to the communities and institutions that would be taking care of the victims families.

After the first explosion that took place in the mine on Friday, the authorities of the mine repeatedly kept saying that there are poisonous gases being emitted by the fire which has been caused by the explosion inside the mine, and that these gases were very harmful to human health. When the second explosion took place, the chances of their survival literally eliminated, but still some did have some hopes with them that they would be out alive.

Source: CNN