What is eco-anxiety? Ways to manage the condition

Eco-anxiety is a real condition that can affect your mental health which would need to be addressed


Eco-anxiety is commonly known as climate-anxiety and is a general fear about the harm to the environment from human activity or climate change. It could also be a rational response of the body to the normal environmental changes of a reasonable change. However, it has to be known that it is not a medical diagnosis or a mental health condition, but if the distress has started to affect the everyday activities then it is time that it should be evaluated by a professional.  Here we will be talking about a few ways you could deal and manage eco-anxiety.

  1. Identify the driving factors – It can mostly affect the individuals who are aware of the activities that are destroying the climate and environment. Many people might also have gone through a rough time as they might have lost their belongings in landslides, floods or other natural calamities. Practicing environmental friendly activities like reduction of use of plastics, mindfully disposal of garbage and avoiding wastage of water can soothe the condition.
  2. Practice and experiment as to what eases the condition to improve mental well-being – Ecological change is a vast task but taking small steps does no harm and also promotes mental well-being.
  3. Bring changes in your personal behavior – Adopt a green lifestyle by calculating your carbon footprints. Ride a bicycle or an electric vehicle instead of consuming gasoline.
  4. Acknowledge your feelings – If you are feeling guilty, then you need to forgive yourself and move forward. You also need to encourage others to adopt eco-friendly habits.
  5. Appreciate the nature – Spend time with the nature and relish some of the natural beauties of the sunset, mountains, waterfalls and more. Visit beaches or go for hikes as they contribute towards mental peace and helps to promote deeper connections of the future generations with the nature.
  6. Seek help when needed – Do not be ashamed of taking professional help when ever you feel overwhelmed. When you are physically and mentally stable, only then you would be able to channelize your energies towards productivity and efficiency.

Photo Credits: Pixabay