Food tips to follow while travelling

Travelling can be a vulnerable time for you to switch from healthy to unhealthy, but a few tips when followed can be healthy

travel food

Travelling is a time when most of us tend to ignore our diet and end up eating anything that is available around you. But a few days of unruly and unhealthy eating can affect your health. This also ends up in a feeling of regret. But that does not mean that should not make your next travel plan. Here we will be discussing about a few tips that you can follow to eat healthy when you are on the go.

1. Carry a box of fresh fruits – Fruits are foods that need some efforts like cutting and peeling. While you might feel lazy to make those efforts, you can carry a few cut fruits in an air tight box and carry it in a cool box. This way, if you feel hungry apart from the time of meals, then you can just grab the fruit box and have fresh fruits while on the go. To make it more interesting, you can also sprinkle some salt and other seasoning.

2. Remain hydrated – Many people tend to consume less water or fluids while travelling. This Happens due to the reason that you might seldom have access to restrooms. But this can make you dehydrated and also make you feel dull. Eating citrus fruits can make you feel fresh and can to an extent keep you hydrated. Optionally, you can also carry fresh fruit juice as it is guilt free and sugar free.

3. Carry a box of dry fruits – Dry fruits make a great snack and make sure that you carry a box off mix dry fruits. For your in-between snack you can grab your box of mixed dry fruits to satisfy your temporary hunger pangs.

4. Avoid oily food – It is natural to give up your healthy meal plan while holidaying and traveling. But you can easily replace the oily food with something lighter that has lentils and bread. It makes you feel lighter and will also keep you energetic to remain active throughout the day so you can explore every corner of the place.

Photo Credits: Pixabay