5 Important tips to follow for a winter workout session

Working out during winter season can be challenging and a few tips can be useful


A cold weather can be a challenge when it comes to waking up in the morning for a workout session. Apart from laziness, there are a number of other factors that can prevent from motivating you towards a good workout session. But continuing with your exercise session can help to prevent weight gain. At the same time when you are determined to brave the winter blues, here are a few precautions that you need to follow before you begin your workout.

1. Wear the right outfits – The cold weather can take a toll on your health. Make sure that you wear more layers but make sure that it also allows you proper movements. It will help to maintain proper body temperature.

2. Breathe properly – There is a lot of difference while working out in a cold weather than a warm weather. The body reacts differently to cold weather due to the dry air as it can hurt and make you breathe heavy. Make sure that you also include breathing exercises in your session that will help to increase your lung capacity.

3. Remain hydrated – This is the season, when you might not feel thirsty, but the body continues to work hard. Make sure that you keep yourself hydrated when you are working out. You can optionally also opt in for an energy drink instead of just plain water.

4. Warm-up – Winter is a time when your muscles could become rigid. A sudden movement can give a jerk and cause an injury to your muscles. Make sure that you warm up at home or at a closed enclosure to avoid any cramps and muscle pulls.

5. Eat winter foods – During the winter season, make sure that you eat winter foods that are seasonal and give warmth to the body. There are a number of ingredients like sesame oil, groundnuts, jaggery and more that help to keep the body warm. Make sure that you are also consuming enough proteins.

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