How diabetes can impact fertility

People who suffer from diabetes can have issues with fertility


Infertility has become a very common problem among the couples. While there are a number of options to treat the problem, but there are still a number of factors that affect the fertility of a person. One of those factors is diabetes that many might not be aware of. Diabetes has the ability to lead to hormonal imbalance which the affects the conception and leads to a failed implantation. It can affect both, male as well as female fertility and is often associated with low-sperm count, damage to the DNA and embryo damage. Here we will be looking at the factors how diabetes can affect the fertility of a person and why people need to be careful about it.

Effect of diabetes on female fertility

Women who suffer from Type-1 diabetes might deal with hormonal regulation that can cause a regular menstrual cycle. But Type-2 diabetes is different and is caused by insulin resistance. Some of the common risks of Type 2 can be obesity and PCOS. Diabetes can lead to a delay in menarche, which is a term used for the onset of menses for the first time. High blood sugar levels can lead to premature ageing of the ovaries and can ultimately result in early menopause. This means that diabetes can shorten the reproductive lifespan of a woman.

Effect of diabetes on male fertility

High blood sugar levels and high cholesterol levels can lead to erectile dysfunction and can also result in an increased level of DNA fragmentation in the sperm. This could be a serious condition as it reduces the chance of getting pregnant and in a number of cases it can also lead to a risk of miscarriage.


In short it is important for couples who are trying to conceive to remain healthy and away from diabetes by regularly exercising and leading a healthy life. Apart from exercise it is also important to have a balanced diet.

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