People in future could need the vaccine passport

The vaccine passport could be used to enter some of the public places lie stadiums, cinema theatres and others

vaccine passport

The much awaited vaccines to fight against COVID-19 are out now and countries across the globe are started the campaign to encourage people to get vaccinated. Despite the scare, a number of people continue to remain skeptical about the new vaccine that is out and have their own reservations about it. On the other hand there is also a group who might be dreaming about the day when they would be able to shop, move around and go to the movies once again like before. But if someone has the ambition to do such activities, people might need to apply for a vaccine passport application.

While a number of people might have already got their vaccines, but that might not be enough. A number of companies are now developing smartphone apps or systems designed for individuals so they will be able to upload the details of their respective COVID-19 tests and vaccinations. It will help the individuals to generate digital credentials that could be shown while people are entering some of the public places like stadiums, movie theatres, offices and even while visiting other countries.

Some apps are already out and one of them is the CommonPass app that has been created by the groups and allows the users to upload their respective medical records and that could be the COVID-19 test result. Users could also include the proof of the vaccination that has been done at a hospital. It could also be used to generate a health certificate or pass in the form of a QR code that can be shown to the authorities. For some the privacy could be an issue, but it does not reveal any sensitive information.

Thomas Crampton, the chief marketing and communications officer while talking about its importance said that while people could be tested every time they cross a border but they cannot be vaccinated every time they cross a border.

Photo Credits: Pixabay