Delta Airlines prepares to lay-off about 2000 pilots

Delta Airlines says it is overstaffed at the moment and a resize is an essential step for its survival

delta airlines

US based Delta Airlines has intentions to lay off about 1,941 pilots in the month of October. The Coronavirus induced pandemic has fallen tough on a number of airlines as a result, they are forced to take steps to reduce manpower and include only those who are basic and essential. The lockdown period saw a number of airlines ground their fleet, as became hard to maintain them. As the lockdowns in a number of countries have been eased, a number of airlines are struggling to get back on track.

John Laughter, the senior vice president of flight operations in an internal memo to the employees said, that earlier retirements of the pilots will not be enough to solve the problem of overstaffing of pilots during the pandemic. Laughter has also assured that the company will be able to reduce the number of furloughs if they are able to reach an agreement to reduce cost with the unions and if the CARES Act is decided to be extended.

The senior vice president also said that they would continue to take all the essential steps that would be necessary to manage the business. Laughter also said that they are giving preference to the recovery of Delta in terms of reducing the size for the reason that the future of the airline is pretty uncertain. The CARES Act is a federal bail out and is all set to expire by the end of September, 2020. At present the airline has 11,200 active pilots.

Delta Airlines, senior vice president added that for the summer 2021 schedule, the company will be in need of about 9,450 pilots. Delta is expecting that that will be the peak flying period for 2021. It was in the month of May, 2020 when the airline had warned its employees of a prospective furlough. Laughter further stressed that they are overstaffed and that they have found themselves in a very tough situation.

Photo Credits: Pixabay