Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov Bag Nobel Prize For Physics For Pioneering Graphene


    Updated Trends: Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov Bag Nobel Prize For Physics For Pioneering Graphene

    Russian born scientists, Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov have bagged the Nobel Prize for their work in the field of Physics, and particularly speaking for their work on an atom thin material called ‘Graphene’. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, specifically liked the duo’s work on the this very material, as they are also linked with the Universities in Britain.
    Nobel Prize

    They have worked on a material which is known to have thickness of only one atom. According to experts, the development on the subject of Graphene, will help the world in developing new materials and also better and faster computers. Graphene is a good conductor of electricity.

    As Graphene is a good conductor of electricity, it is recently been used in manufacturing transparent screens and solar cells. It is really impressive to witness the work and experimentation on the material, Graphene, by the two Russian scientists, Geim and Novoselov, as one day this material is going to prove to be one of the most important breakthroughs in the field of science and physics, that the world has ever seen.