Increasing protein intake can help to live longer


Few recent studies have been focusing on the potential links between consumption of red meat and overall life expectancy. It has been found that eating a lot of red meat, especially when it is processed can increase the overall mortality. On the other hand, consumption of red meat that has a lot of protein has implicated in the rise of cardiovascular health issues in the past. A new study seems to strongly support the earlier findings.

The study was published in the journal BMJ utilized health data and dietary habits of more than 80,000 men and women tracking the changes in red meat intake to draw broad trends over time. The main finding here is that individuals who increased their red meat intake by at least one-half of a serving per day, noticed a significant increase in the mortality risk. The increase in the risk was more noticed among people who favored processed red meat.

For instance, processed red meat was associated with a 13 percent higher risk of death from all causes. Unprocessed meat fared slightly better and was still associated with a 9 percent increase in all-cause mortality. But the good thing is that when it is flipped, the substitution of red meat for other forms of protein had the completely opposite effect. People who phased out red meat in favor of protein from fish, eggs, skinless poultry and nuts, noticed their mortality risk decrease significantly in the years that followed.

Frank Hu the senior author of the work in a statement said, “This long-term study provides further evidence that reducing red meat intake while eating other protein foods or more whole grains and vegetables may reduce risk of premature death. To improve both human health and environmental sustainability, it is important to adopt a Mediterranean-style or other diet that emphasizes healthy plant foods.” For many years medical experts have been talking about the benefits of consuming protein that our body often lacks.

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