Doctors suggest simple way for heart patients for longer life

Walking and giving up sedentary life by heart patients could prolong their life

heart patients

It is often seen that heart patients lead a sedentary lifestyle. A paper was presented at the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress that stressed on ways to improve the outcome of patients with coronary heart disease. The paper presented on November 3, 2018 mentioned that heart patients must move around every 20 minutes during the eight hour period of sitting.

The event also saw experts from the European Society of Cardiology who participated in the joint scientific sessions with the Canadian Cardiovascular Society. Research has suggested that heart patients spend most of their waking time, sitting or lying down but do not realize that remaining sedentary for long periods can shorted their life. Ailar Ramadi, the postdoctoral fellow in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine at University of Alberta, Edmonton and Author of the latest paper said that heart patients must burn more than 770 calories and take breaks every day to help prolong their life.

Ramadi suggested some simple activities like walking at a casual place or standing up and added, “There is a lot of evidence now that sitting for long periods is bad for health”. His study was based on the analysis of 132 patients with coronary artery disease with an average age of 63 years and 77% of them were men. The participants had worn an arm band activity monitor for an average of 22 hours per day for five days. However, this is not the first time a doctor has recommended walking for a longer life.

Walking in an average pace is linked to 20% reduction in the risk of mortality when compared to walking at a slow pace. This study was published earlier in 2018 in the British Journal of Sports Medicine and a similar result was found for risk from cardiovascular disease. The study was a joint effort by the universities of Sydney, Cambridge, Limerick, Edinburgh and Ulster. It had linked the mortality records with the results of 11 surveys that were based on population in the UK between 1994 and 2008.

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