Yom Kippur Is A Moment When One Should Speak Against Injustice


Updated Trends: Yom Kippur Is A Moment When One Should Speak Against Injustice

Yom Kippur is being observed by all Jews on the 18th Of September, and this is the moment when one should be brave and should speak against injustice. Yom Kippur is celebrated by every Jewish family in the world, and that this is time when, one should also renew his life by walking on the teachings of the Hebrew prophets of the past.


The Prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos and Micah are examples of perfect people who stood against the evil. They were firm when they spoke, their words were harsh to the evil doers and it screeched their ears, as the stood against injustice in the light of God.

Yom Kippur is the time when a person should gather himself, and stand against the evil of the society, for guidance and teaching one can refer prophet Isaiah’s book. When we bring justice for someone, we are bringing glory for ourselves too, so as on the festival of Yom Kippur, we should question ourselves, whether are we walking in our lives as the prophets did.