5 Better things you can do after work

Came back early from work? Here are a few ideas you can do to spend your leisure time post working hours


There are times when you have a great day at the office and finish off early. But this empty time makes you feel lonely and confused to what best you could have done if you knew you will be finishing early. It is a time, you feel tired, yet are mentally energetic and do not feel like wasting your time in doing unproductive activities after work. Here are a few ideas that you can do to utilize your time best.

1. Cook – Even if you are not a kitchen person, you can get in to the pantry, get some stuff and find a way to satisfy you palates. Try a new recipe or just get your creativity to work.

2. Meditate – This does not mean you need to take up all of your free time. You can just spare some 10-30 minutes when you are back home and need some alone time to relax. Just concentrate in your breathing and eliminate yourself from unnecessary thoughts and see the difference.

3. Exercise – Many of us are not morning people and do not find time to exercise. Instead of spending time in front of the TV, hit the treadmill, do some yoga or just follow an online exercise video. If you are the one who loves dancing, just shut yourself in to a room and dance like no one is watching you.

4. Get yourself pampered – Go for a nice and soothing foot-massage or a full body massage and relax yourself as you deserve to be pampered once in a while. Do not think that you are spending too much on yourself as after a hard day’s work, you can once in a while get yourself pampered.

5. Call a close friend – In this busy life, we often tend to ignore old friends who were a part of our lives when we had a carefree life. Call them and recall some of the golden moments that you had spent with them.

After work time can also be a lonely time sometimes. Just make sure that you are at least around your loved ones and spend some quality time.

Photo Credits: Summitdentalhealth