World Gold Council Finds Onam As A Good Day For Gold Trade


Updated Trends: World Gold Council Finds Onam As A Good Day For Gold Trade

The World Gold Council says that the Onam festival of Kerala is an auspicious day for buy and trading gold. Onam is a festival in South India, and the main attraction of South Indian festivities is gold. People is south India wear a lot of gold during the festive season and it is a tradition to follow this.

World Gold Council

The festivities like Onam, is an very good time when the gold traders have a strong business on the sale of gold. Gold is sold all over India and is a significance that can be seen on in India and no where else in the world. Onam will be celebrated on the 22nd of August and this is an important day for the natives of Kerala.

Women from Kerala will flock to the gold shops to buy gold during the Onam season, and thus pushes up the sales of gold. Gold is considered lucky by many people in India, and is part of the dressing attire in the Indian tradition. This is why India is the largest consumer of Gold.

Source: indiainfoline