7 Good reasons why you should take a walk


Summer is in full swing and even though it is probably too hot for a full-blown workout at the gym, you can still be active during this period, only in a different way. Enjoy wonderful and peaceful summer mornings and warm summer nights and take a walk, be it with your dog, a friend, partner or simply by yourself.

7 Good reasons why you should take a walk

1. It is a great way to enjoy the weather – even though sunny and nice weather is, by far, ideal for taking a walk, make sure to get out of the house regardless of what time of the year it is. Each season has something special about it, so learn to love rainy spring and fall walks, as well as winter, bundled-up walks.

2. It is free – walking does not cost anything and does not require any fancy clothes or shoes. The only thing you will spend is a little bit of time, while doing something good for yourself.

3. It is good for your blood sugar – when it comes to your health, even a short, 15-minute walk can be extremely beneficial, as it will improve your digestion and even out levels of blood sugar.

4. It is good for your back – walking at a moderate pace for only 20-40 minutes was found to be effective at reducing chronic back pain, something that most people who work long hours in a sedentary position experience sooner or later.

5. It is good for your brain – a quick walk can improve our memory, diminish mental fatigue and even help with holding off the progession of Alzheimer’s disease. People tend to worry too much or overthink things and a simple walk can help us leave all that behind, at least for a little while.

6. It is good for your creativity – many famous writers, including Robert Louis Stevenson, Virginia Woolf and James Joyce were regular walkers, as they found walking to be part of their craft. Even though you might not get an idea for the next best-selling novel during your walk, bring your phone, or a small piece of paper and take notes of the things you think of, which might not come to your mind during a stressful day in front of the computer.

7. It is good for your weight – when it comes to weight loss, even though many think of grueling, long hours at the gym in order to achieve desired results, the reality is a bit different. High intensity workouts are not for everyone, nor they are for all the time and keep in mind that excellent results can be achieved by incorporating walks into your daily routine.

Photo Credits: Reebok