Tony Hayward BP Chief Executive All Set To Step Down From Head Post


Updated Trends: Tony Hayward BP Chief Executive All Set To Step Down From Head Post

BP Chief Tony Hayward, is already to step down from his post as the Chief, in the time period of 10 weeks. Hayward is in great trouble as BP has announced to sell off $7 Billion of its Natural gas assets to pay the clean up process which was done for almost three months in the Gulf of Mexico.

CEO of BP - Tony Hayward

The BP Chief had been criticized heavily because of his role in the post Deepwater Horizon incident. The 53 year old oil giant chief would be exiting from the company by the end of August or September.

Robert Dudley who has been playing an important role in the Gulf Coast Restoration Organisation, is hoped to be succeeding Hayward.

One of the spokespersons from BP told Reuters, that Hayward has full support from the board and will remain in his place. Recently the BP and the US government are both in complete tiff with each other, as BP installed a new cap on the leaking well and stemmed the flow completely, by there has been accusations that hydrocarbons could be seeping out of the seepage that was discovered recently on the sea bed.