ETA Basque Separatists Call In Permanent Ceasefire


Updated Trends: The Basque separatist group in Spain, who have been fighting for decades for an independence, have finally called in for a ceasefire. The news about the ceasefire was published by the Basque based newspaper, Gara. The group have always undertaken an armed attack within the country, and in a span of half a century they have already killed around 850 people.

eta basque separtists ceasefire

The region which is situated in Northern Spain and Southwest France, has always been under tense pressure, only in move to create a separate country. One of the main reasons the separatists have failed, is that they have been consistent arrests and local people are pressing for having a proper legal political system.

A statement published in the Gara Newspapers states “This is ETA’s firm commitment toward a process to achieve a lasting resolution and toward an end to the armed confrontation,” Spain’s Interior Ministry spokesperson has said that Ministry will make a formal statement regarding the ceasefire later in the day.

Source: Reuters