Easy ways to understand anxiety symptoms

Anxiety can be difficult to understand but a few signs and symptoms when identified can help towards its management


April 7, 2022 is observed as the World Health Day when people need to be aware of the importance of being and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. One has to realize that only if you remain healthy you would be happy and would be able to chase your dreams. Apart from general physical health, mental health is also something that people should be aware of. Majority of people are mostly not able to identify the symptoms of anxiety, which is a common concern these days among people. Anxiety, if not treated can stay for longer and could make things worse. Here are a few symptoms that can help you to identify anxiety.

1. Physical symptoms – Anxiety can also lead to a few physical symptoms that you need to pay attention to. It could lead to frequent urination, increased sweating, rapid heartbeats, tension in muscles, hyperventilation, hot flashes, dizziness, constipation or related abdominal discomfort, headache or a sudden weight loss.

2. Emotional symptoms – You could look out for some of the emotional symptoms like irritability, angry outburst (that could make you feel guilty later), restlessness, feeling jumpy or nervousness.

3. Logical symptoms – Also look out for some of the cognitive symptoms like having frequent intrusive thoughts, difficulty in concentration, poor memory, not able to make the right judgement and constant negative thoughts.

Ways to identify your triggers for anxiety

Once you know that you are having the problem of anxiety, the next important step would be to identify the major concerns and triggers of the issue. There could be a number of issues that could be related to your relationship, finances, conflicts at work/school/college/home, health problems and others.

1. Examine yourself – Yes you can easily do a simple test by examining yourself by keeping your hand on your chest and checking your breathing pattern. If your chest is moving extensively instead of your abdomen, then you could understand that you are in some kind of stress/anxiety.

2. Keep a note – You can write down things or mark as unpleasant about the negative thoughts or happenings in your everyday life. It is known as the Anxious Thought Awareness diary that can be maintained and could help you manage the issue.

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