First COVID-19 over-the-counter home test kit approved by FDA

FDA has approved an at-home test kit for COVID-19 that will be available without any prescription


It has been a year in to the coronavirus pandemic and the scientists and researchers are now slowly getting a hold of how the virus reacts and the best ways of treating them. It was the beginning of time when the testing of the virus had to be done only at the government recognized centres. Then the testing slowly expanded to private testing centres as well. The Food and Drug Administration has made an important announcement that it has approved a test for COVID-19 that does not require a prescription.

The over-the-counter testing kit is soon expected to hit the shelves in the United States. The authorities of the FDA have given an approval for a rapid coronavirus test that can be done entirely at home. The recent development is a remarkable development and also a signal that things could be controlled fast and preventive measures could be taken as soon as possible. The agency has allowed the testing kit to be sold at some of the places like the drug store. Stephen Hahn, the FDA Commissioner in a statement said that the patient can buy the kit and take the sample from their nose and then run the test. Hahn added that the test result would be displayed in just 20 minutes.

It is the proteins of the virus known as antigens that is detected in the rapid test, but it has to be noticed that a person cannot completely rely on the test as it cannot be compared to the molecular tests that are run on the labs. However, the FDA has opined that the product would help ease the burden on the laboratories and the Americans would have more testing options.

The FDA has warned that people who run the at-home test and test negative, but still have the symptoms, need to isolate themselves and get themselves tested through a healthcare provider. The initial supplies of the test kits are expected to be limited.

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